This section contains a world of information to help you with your animals. Whether you’re looking for training advice, wishing to increase your own ability to communicate, or searching for back issues of my Creature Thoughts newsletter, you will find that information below.

The Book Shop (update!) has been a very helpful way to refer my clients to books that can help them with their animals. Unfortunately, on 13 June, 2017, I received notice that Amazon is retiring their “aStore” feature, so the shop will no longer be available. I will be working on creating individual pages, therefore, which contain the links to these books so people can still read about them and decide if they would like to purchase. Please be patient, as there are many books in the shop, and it is going to take some time to duplicate the links manually. Until Amazon discontinues the feature, however, you may still:

Visit the BookShop

Creature Thoughts is my monthly newsletter. You may subscribe (or unsubscribe if you wish) at any time. You can find archives of many back issues here:

Creature Thoughts on

and older issues here:

Off-site Archives on

Want to Subscribe?

Through Their Eyes, the Nature of the Beast, is my own book, which presents many of the problems we humans face as animal caregivers from the point of view of the animals themselves.

Litterbox Problems  (click to open in new tab) is a set of newsletter articles that I have compiled into one PDF file to help people with feline potty problems. If you are seeking help with such issues, it’s a strongly-suggested read before you engage the help of an animal communicator.

Moving With Pets is an excerpt from Through Their Eyes which many people have found helpful, and which I’ve separated out as a gift for folks to read before they make the brave effort to accomplish this daunting task!