Creature Thoughts, December 2016

A Holiday Greeting

All of us here at “Starling’s Nest” (aka the Nastasi household) wish you and your loved ones a warm and wonderful Christmas season and a happy, healthy, prosperous 2017.

Be sure to keep those critters safe this holiday season. Here’s a nice article from the ASPCA to help you with that safety check-list.

Are you traveling over the holidays? Be sure to schedule your boarding or pet sitting arrangements well in advance! Pet sitters and kennels book up early at this time of year.

Traveling with your pets? The ASPCA has some helpful thoughts there, too.

News and Updates:

As some already know, particularly those who follow me on Facebook and Twitter, I’m once again going through some health issues. The month of December is going to be a bit sporadic in regards to availability, as I’m back and forth to hospitals and doctors for tests. Thanks to all who have expressed their well-wishes; your support and kindness is so appreciated!

Also, my holiday special is ongoing, until after the first of the year. Please feel free to email me if you have questions or wish to participate. The three-pack special price is $112.

Blessings and Light,